Contact the HOA

Gerry Mannel, President 
​(Gerry should be contacted by any realtor, title company or community member who requires info during a home sale.) or 410-569-9851

Fran Mergler, Vice-President

Susan Mannel, Secretary

Laurie Mergler, Treasurer  

Gerry Mannel, Chairperson Design Review Board
(Gerry should be reached for any DRB questions and he prefers a phone call (410-569-9851) to an e-mail in regard to Design Review problems)

Mike Dean, Member at large and Chairman Welcome and Bereavement Committee

Laurie Mergler, Member at large and Chairlady Social Committee

​Ron Gneo Member at and Chairman of the Pond Committee

Keith Yanky Menber at large

Gerry Mannel, Publisher Newsletter

H.O.A. Board Minutes
H.O.A. Board
Contact Us